
Converting the forum to a wiki

The server that is currently hosting studforum will be shut down somewhere near the end of this academic year. We think it is a pity that the knowledge gathered in this forum would be lost when the server gets decommissioned. That is why we created this wiki on a new server. However, converting everything from studforum is a huge task that we cannot handle on our own.

  1. Pick a course that does not yet exists on this wiki
  2. Head over to and look for the course there
  3. Copy the stuff you find important (eg: exam questions?) and put it on the wiki page for that course. To keep everything nicely ordered, please order everything in reverse chronological order. (See this page for an example) If there are still things missing, put a FIXME annotation in that section so someone else can add that information.

Have a look at syntax to see how you can edit this wiki, or click Edit this page on any page that contains some layout you want to copy.

The physical server that currently runs studforum is quite old and is located in the basement of Group T. Unfortunately, with the takeover of Group T by the KU Leuven, there can no longer be any student-run servers on the network (security issues, blah blah blah).

The only reason the server is still up is that a part Industria website is on there, but it probably won't be much longer since they are moving to a new hosting provider.

The software currently running the forum is very old and cannot be updated without breaking all the things. This software consumes too much resources to run on the very low-end virtual servers we are renting. (Donations are always welcome!)

Secondly, the systems administrator deems this outdated forum software to be too much of a security risk and would ban us for using it.

And lastly, it was becoming quite difficult to find what you were looking for in the forum.

Send a message to the studforum facebook page. We do not have email addresses.


Contributing authors:
